Although subscription purchases have concluded for the 2024-25 Season, you can still purchase a 4-, 6-, or 8- pack ticket bundle and enjoy the ultimate flexibility for cullud wattah and Andy Warhol in Iran. They also make a wonderful gift!
We’re offering a 4-pack ticket bundle for only $100. That means you can get tickets for as low as $25 a show—and a free drink with each ticket. (Over a $300 value!)
Purchase a 4 pack of tickets with code HOLIDAY100. You or your gift recipient can then redeem them for any combination of cullud wattah and Andy Warhold in Iran.
cullud wattah
April 3-27
Andy Warhol in Iran
May 29 - June 29
Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?
Contact the Box Office at 202.399.7993 ext. 501 or boxoffice@atlasarts.org